He love scented candles, so we got him one of those Yankee Candle sets, which he loved, and also some antique chop sticks, which were so cool I got myself a set XD
So this is what I wore to his party, although these photos were taken a couple of hours after, when we went back to my fiancé's farm.
I'm wearing; Polka Dot Dress/Thrifted, Waterfall Cardigan/Thrifted, Military-Style Boots/Ebay, Black Bowler Hat/Grandfathers and Black Tights.
I'm wearing several of my favorite things in this shoot, and luckily they all went really well together.
I got the beautiful polka dot dress last month, in a charity shop just outside of the city, I think if had been in the city center other vintage hunters would have got to it before me. That's why I always check the less busy charity shops :D
Also isn't my bowler hat lovely? It's one of two (unfortunately the other is too small) that my grandfather gave me recently, that his father had given to him, so they're vintage family heirlooms! How awesome is that?
And they're from a really fancy men's wear store in London's, Pound Street. Stevens&Sons...so yes they have quickly become one of my favorite hats.
This is the last remaining puppy of the litter I told you about here. All the others have been adopted, but I think this little guy is going to remain here (Yay!) Now we're just thinking of a name for him...possibly Henry? But it's not final, anyone any suggestions? He's such a tubby wee cutie-pie ^_^ (sorry about the slight blurriness, another doggie jumped up on Colin just as he took this picture lol)

voted for you on chictopia! i super love the hat! :D and that puppy is just soooooo cute! :)
Your dress so so cute!!! I loves it :)
Plus I want your puppy so much! It that a Jack Russel pup?
Sarah! xoxoxoxo
Oh and Happy Birthday Jeremy!! Lol
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