Hey everybody I'm alive and back in the world of blogging! :D
Sorry I was away for so long, it's been like a solid month since I properly blogged....here's my list of reasons (which you can skip if you're not that interested lol)
Firstly my mum got really sick, and was taken into hospital for awhile, and as much as I love blogging and all you bloggers, my mum comes first! Then I got my results and got into Uni, and I've been trying to sort all that out, which was exhausting -_- There were quite a few mix ups...
Oh and then on top of all that, my family went on holiday (a nice spa one for my mum to recover) but that left me to house sit, WITH NO INTERNET for a week! *cries* But now I'm back, and hopefully I'll be updated twice a week again. Although Uni starts in a week, so I'm not too sure it's a concrete plan x3
Anyway! Now in not updating for a month quite a lot has happened, as you'd imagine :)
1. Got my A Level results! Success! :)
2. Got into Uni!! Yay!!! I'm officially a student of Language & Linguistics, at the University of Ulster! :D
3. I've dyed my hair, 'Mountain Ash Blond' (it's not too bright a blond, quite similar to my natural hair colour, only when I've been in the sun for about a month)
4. I've started learning Japanese, hopefully heading there in three years, so may as well start now :)
5. And of course I bought a crap'load of stuff :] (Including a new phone!! A Samsung Galaxy S, oh how I love it <3 <3 <3)
So I'll be reblogging some of this stuff with more detail, hopefully I can get a nice shot of my new hair colour x
Oh, some thing that I've totally got into, and will hopefully be starting to sell, is "Decoden"/“Keitai art”, a style made popular in Japan, of completely covering your phone in sparkles and gems, and anything cute! So I've made my first one and already have three orders! Yay! :D
I'll be doing a full blog showing my phone deco, and also a competition to win one of my personalized phone covers! :)
This was what started my deco-craze, I loved these covers (like the one below) but wanted something more 3D.
This is also one of my recent Ebay purchases x
Isn't it cute? ^^ I'm not sure you can see it (sorry for the web-cam shot) but it has tiny little bees, so adorable x
Something else I'm really enjoying lately is being more creative with my nails, it started off with this grape design, with I found really sweet, so I'll definitely be trying more food themed nails soon!
(Sorry for the quality T-T)
I then tried the crackle nail varnish, which I seriously love :D I applied three coats of bright green, with one coat of black crackle.

Well I've rambled for long enough x) Another post within the next fews days I promise, also a new outfit post soon! And keep an eye out for my Phone Deco Competition coming soon! :D
P.S have a silly Japanese Photobooth-style picture of me! Lol, I love these things ^^

Love to you all! Walabean x