
30 July 2011

Pride '11

Hello Bloggers! Hope you're all doing well :)
I've had a great day, it was my flatmate's early birthday party, which also happens to coincide with Belfast's Pride Parade (yes he is gay, so it worked out quite well for him). I don't usually go to the parade, but seeing as he had asked me for his birthday, Colin and I tagged along.And I'm glad I did it was really good fun! :D
But before that, Colin and I headed over to Botanic Gardens for awhile, we've actually started getting some Summery weather here in Belfast, so we're taking full advance of it. Hehe.

I also brought my camera with us to try and get some shots of my new look for LB, (I'll be posting these shots within the next few days)...We also tried a few jump shots, and although I was absolutely useless, we managed to get one of Colin! (After what felt like a million tries lol.)

We had quite a few of this kind of picture (and worse!!) XD

But then we managed this one! This was probably are best...oh dear...more practising I say ;)

We then heeded into the city center, the parade would be passing right in front of City Hall, so we figured there would be a good place to be. The parade started at 2PM'ish and lasted for about 45mins, you would not believe the colours *_* (Just a warning, some of the following photos are ridiculously bright!)

With all this great weather I figure City Hall looks it's best, and I just can't help myself from taking loads of pictures of it...but it's such a beautiful building! Well you can see for yourself, although I'll just include the one this time :D

See it's pretty! :) (and very grey compared to these next pictures)

So I guess this is what the whole parade comes down to;

So yeah I think they got their message across, plus everyone had so much fun at the same time :D

The anti-protesters? Lol

Of course there were quite a few protesters, but they didn't cause much harm....But we'll not bother with them, here's some more colourful pictures! :)

I love rainbows so much ^_^ (gay or not)

It must have been pretty warm and uncomfortable wearing this for the whole parade...?

Party bus!!

They are oh-so-glamourous!

I love his Go-Go boots!! <3

I'll just finish off with some awesome colourful balloons!


29 July 2011


Guess what? I was featured on a blog I follow! Awesome-feeling-time! :D

I entered the 'Florrie's Floral Festivities' competition with my 'I Didn't Promise You a Rose Garden' look (unfortunately I didn't win *sad face*) but I was still featured! I was in with a really good mix of other bloggers, and it was really great fun taking part :)

Thanks Florrie! x

The blog is Intrinsically Florrie and she's great, it's definitely worth checking her out. Oh if you do, totally check out her artwork, it's amazing! :)

Oh yes, something else that's new is my new outfit post on Lookbook and Chictopia. This is another photo from a couple of years ago, it's from a trip we took to Lady Dixon's park, in the middle of the Rose Week Festival. It happens once a year, and there's loads live music, bands, and other crazy entertainment (usually supplied by the circus school lol).

Seeing it was a flower festival and the middle of Summer, I couldn't resist the bright colours and general Summeryness of this outfit!

I'm wearing a bright Yellow Pop Art t-shirt from Primark./DIY shorts from Tesco./ Green Wellie boots from B&Q./ And my hat and bag are both from independent traders at craft fairs.

I've got a really good response to this outfit, so I'm hopefully just starting to make my mark on the online fashion world...eventually I'm hoping to build up a collection of followers on here...but for now mainly talking to myself xD

I'm off now to nom on some delicious spaghetti and meatballs, hope you're all enjoying these bright evenings!

Walabean x

28 July 2011

Look Book: B&W Culloden Ball

Well this is my second look on LB, although this photo was taken about a year ago for my Middle Sixth Formal. It was Black and White themed and the River Island lace dress was just prefect! I couldn't resist getting it, and luckily my parents agreed to buy me it, which saved the £30 from escaping my pocket! x3

I paired it with, possibly my favorite pair of shoes of all time, my TUK polka dot heels, which only cost my £7 in TKMaxx! Bargain! They're also B&W and have cute little diamante stars on the sides. In this outfit I'm also wearing my tiny top-hat, I was searching for one of these for aaaages, then it turns out my best friend had one and she didn't want it, best present ever :)

I was quite apprehensive about the leather bag, as I rarely use a bag with such a short strap (that bag is actually my sisters) but it seemed to go best out of all the bags I own. Plus is was the prefect size to hold everything I needed for the night, bottle of water, lipstick, tissues, you know, all that stuff :)
To accessorize, I added some black beads and a white cashmere scarf, and of course a splash of bright red lipstick, so I didn't fade into the background of black and white. Tehe.

So hopefully this is the first (second) of many to come! Now that my internet is set up and fully working, I have no excuses! Lol. Although I do start uni in a month...but I'll not think about that yet! XD

Please hype on!

I'm back!

Hurray! I'm back into the world of on-line'ness! :)

As my regular followers know, I've just moved into my new apartment, it's awesome :D
But, trying to get internet connected took for-eeeeever. I mean it wouldn't have annoyed me so much, if we hadn't have given them two weeks advance warning >.>

But I'm in too good a mood to rant anymore at the moment, more about my lovely new apartment, It's huuuuge! I mean my old place wasn't tiny, but it would fit in here a couple of times! Tehe.

Especially the kitchen, Colin and I love experimenting and trying out new recipes, so it's so much fun cooking in a really big kitchen. Last week we made water-chestnut and bamboo-shoot Stir-Fry and I think it's my new favorite meal. Another awesome thing is the huge closet I've got now, I have everything so organised with matching hangers!! The only thing is, even with my huge wardrobe, I still have too many shoes...I may need to have a clear out, oh no! D: But hopefully with all this extra room to properly see all my clothes, it'll be easier to do some more looks, and start regularly updating this blog with everyday looks. Exciting! Lol.

I've really missed the internet, and coming back it's taken quite awhile to catch up on all the blogs I follow, but I also found some new blogs! So it wasn't all lost :) Speaking of which, you should totally check out this blog and this blog. I love them.

Ooo in other exciting news my fiancé's dog had puppies!! And they are so unbelievably cute! It's been so long since I've updated this blog, that two of the pups have actually been rehomed now :(
It's so sad when that time comes, but you can't keep every fluffy critter that comes by x3

The four pups!

Mummy-Dog 'Susie'

Daww, he fell asleep in my boater (as seen in previous look!)

...And in my camera bag...

This little guy just wanted something to nom :')

You see now why I wanted to take them all home! But unfortunately rented accommodation and puppies do not mix *sad face*

Oh and all these photos were taken with my new camera, the one I told you guys I bought on Ebay. It's fab! And really easy to use, I love it!

Well that's it for now, I'm off to try a recipe I found in Joyce's blog, I'll tell you how it goes!

Toodles xox